Thursday, October 3, 2019

Biden and his son are stone cold crooked.

No mincing words there.  Gotta love his direct, no nonsense declaration of his opinion.

Meanwhile, Biden himself promises to take away both your first amendment and your second amendment rights at the same time!  And people actually will vote for this guy!


  1. Gotta love a conservative who's willing to fight.

    Note: Conservative these days means just about everyone right of socialist.

  2. Progressive Group Think reminds me of what Robin Sharma wrote - "The seduction of safety is always more dangerous than the illusion of uncertainty." Don't drink the Kool Aid, boys and girls.

  3. And unfortunately, we are devolving into a democracy. I was waiting and hoping i’d hear President Trump corrects himself and say that we are a great Republic, but I guess we haven’t yet drained enough of the swamp.... :-/

  4. The brains of NeverEverTrumpers are vapor locked. Don't they understand when these rights are taken away, its for good ?

    Your children - grandchildren's lives are at stake - Don't Let Them Down ! Four more years of Trump vs. a lifetime of regret - which is worse ?
