Monday, May 6, 2019

Not that a bolt/screw would ever break....


  1. You're horning in one Dr. Helen's shtick here CW!

  2. LOL, haven't heard 'dagnabit' in a while...

  3. I pride myself on a very comprehensive set of screw extractors. I
    have Proto square flue, standard spiral flue, a 25 piece short spiral
    flue set with a short bits and hex drive ends. The spiral set goes all
    the way up to 1" pipe, and a 29 piece left handed drill set.

    I also have a set like the one in the photo. One broken bolt can turn a
    5 minute job into an all day job. I learned long ago that one cannot
    have enough screw extractors!

  4. If you ever strip a bolt, or the idiot that put it in before you... Irwin makes an awesome set of sockets to remove them. I've never had one that they wouldn't take out. If you have to go one size bigger than the bolt size for a deeper bite.

    1. That is one style I do not have in my screw extractor drawer.
      I will look into them. I have the 25 piece male Irwin set,
      but I have yet to try the socket style extractors for bolt
