Monday, May 6, 2019

Great analysis over at Conservative Treehouse on the maneuvers between Trump and Xi on trade, and their relative negotiating positions. Never see this quality of analysis in the MSM.

Inflation in the U.S. remains low at 1.4%…. now is the perfect time to hit Beijing with expanded tariffs. I’m surprised China didn’t evaluate that aspect, perhaps they did; but they are also running out of time due to negotiation pressure from Trump.
Beijing referring back to the DPRK blackmail reflects a certain desperation on the part of the communist regime.  A dual display of bad form, and a visible *tell* for President Trump.
Knowing China has just indicated a weak hand, now Trump calls their bluff.
Chairman Xi played a cunning Panda-face game between the Argentina dinner (G20), the manipulation of the Hanoi summit with Chairman Kim, and the extended trade negotiation talks.  Xi stopped the immediate tariff threat, and simultaneously retained the DPRK leverage over Trump.
Team U.S.A. came out of these negotiations exactly where President Trump always seemed to be heading; he wants full frontal tariffs on Chinese imports because he knows China will never genuinely negotiate terms until they are defeated.

Chairman Xi and Vice-Chairman Liu now have only a few days to rethink their approach. Now they have exhausted the delay strategy; and simultaneously any immediate increase in DPRK hostilities will be transparent and of no further trade benefit.
Fully acquiesce to Trump trade terms, or purchase some extended trade benefit with full retreat from North Korea manipulation.


  1. Tarrifs go up at midnight.


  2. CTH is my first stop every morning. sd is just about the best political analyst out there. There are plenty of naysayers out here that disparage President Trump for falling short of his promises. They say not Hillary isn't getting it anymore.

    They can blow me. What he's done and is trying to do is so far ahead of the shitstorm we'd be in if that cackling cunt was in charge of the US Government, it simply defies belief that anyone discounts it.

    Your earlier post about the full pardon for one of our Afghan vets is just one more example of how Trump has his finger right on the pulse of true mainstream Americans. I have seen that reported no where else although not watching Jake or Rachel, who knows, right?(yeah you bet). RR's famous quote comes to mind, “There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don't care who gets the credit.”
