Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Top of the World


  1. Those are the guys ya don't want to fluck with... fearless and use to moving heavy objects around with their strength.

  2. I've heard the Democrat party engineers have discovered a way to build a skyscraper from the top down, thus eliminating scary scenes like this. It's called Socialist erection disfunction, not to be confused with erectile dysfunction although the two have many similarities.

  3. hard to believe they can stand with their legs so close together! You know they got some big ones!

  4. Oh, Hell no! Not a chance on this earth you'd get me up there!

  5. maybe with a low altitude quick opening parachute and a lot of not quite legal for me pharmaceuticals in my system. on second thought I whole heartedlly agree with Dwan

  6. These guys are smart... they are wearing harnesses and are clipped in. Unlike those fools on the image labeled "Another One".
