Saturday, July 14, 2018

The latest from Silicon Valley

The oldest daughter stopped by today to visit.

I prompted her to tell the latest craziness from the South Bay.

She said that the self driving car fleet has gotten big enough in Palo Alto to become an annoyance to normal drivers.  I guess the self driving cars won't go over the speed limit, and take way too long to do things like go around corners, slowing up the entire traffic flow.  What a problem!  Not something we have in Sacramento.  I've yet to see even one self driving car, and if I did I'd be tempted sorely to misbehave and do something to freak out it's computer mind. 

She also mentioned the frequent use by the denizens of Silicon Valley of Doordash,  a service that will get your food order from a restaurant and deliver it right to your door, using an app on your phone.   Shockingly, they do have that at least near my neck of the woods, as when I mentioned this to an acquaintance, they told me they had seen three Doordash workers lined up at a local chain restaurant waiting to pick up orders and dash away to someone's door.



  1. My only form of "charitable Contribution" to the pathetic, hyper-smartphone addicted minions who inhabit my area is that since I'm retired I go out in my 5 year old Scion XD for an hour or so and 1: Adhere to the speed limit at all times. 2: Signal turns and lane changes. 3: Stop for yellow lights when it's safe to do so and 4:Spend 100% of my attention on driving. My sister says I do it to piss people off and I'm going to be responsible for causing an accident. Yup, she voted for Hillary too. Liberal Logic.

  2. my only question i have for law makers who desire in the worst way to bring autonomous vehicles to Colorado streets is....who does my lawyer sue when one of these damn things cause an accident to me?
    nobody seems to know......
