Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Skunk TV

We couldn't help ourselves, Mrs CW and I sat out as it got dark and waited for the local skunk family to come out from their culvert and entertain us.

Our cat Theta was less than impressed with this plan, but she did hang around.

And then they came.  A family of four from the neighbor's culvert, and two more from under the gigantic fig tree.

The games begin.

The skunks are cute, but of course deadly as well.  They seem supremely uninterested in Mrs. CW and me, and even the cat hanging out doesn't bug them.  There was a mighty barn owl that swooped low when the skunk family was traversing the open field down by the barn.  Clearly that owl is wondering how skunk might taste for dinner.


  1. I would think that you would have potted them from a distance as an example to all skunks. You could throw dirt over them in the morning.

  2. A number of years ago, we had a couple of black and white kittens. One evening we found them under our bird feeder surrounded by two skunk kittens (pups?). The four young animals apparently didn't realize they weren't the same litter. Mama skunk watched from a distance, but nothing untoward happened, other than my nervous breakdown.

    In 34 years, we have never had a skunk/cat incident, and I don't where our skunk stink remover is.

  3. Just watch out for ones walking or acting funny. Skunks in the Ohio and Tennessee River Valleys are notorious for rabies.

  4. I'm surprised the owl didn't nab one. I've read that they're unaffected by the odor.

  5. Yeah watch out when they start stumbling around in circles. Baby skunks are kits, I think.

    What the heck are the ropes for? Is being stinky a hanging offense out there, or what?

    1. That's my old perlon climbing rope. When I had kids I retired from rock climbing and re purposed it to a swing and climbing rope for the chillins'

  6. One nite my wife and I decide to go flying and head to the FBO with our German Shepherd in tow. The dog also enjoys flying (as an aside, she did always get a bit disconcerted on negative g's). We sign out a plane and start the pre check while the dog sniffs around a bit. A couple of minutes later, she (the dog, not my wife) is over by the chain link fence and starts barking, immediately followed by a high pitched yelp from her. Uh oh - she comes high tailing it back over to us, and it's bloody obvious what's happened - she'd been sprayed by a skunk. We'd already paid for the plane, but we weren't about to take her up with us - way too horrible a smell! But we also didn't want to have her contaminate the car, either. Well, it was late at night, we figured there weren't going to be any more rentals, so we put her in one of the other rental planes and went ahead with our flight. Got back, retrieved the dog, drove home with all the windows open, then got the tomato juice and H2O2 to work on the dog's odor. Imagine the next person to rent the 'temporary kennel' wondered how it got to smelling so bad!
