Sunday, July 22, 2018

Flying Fish up close

For some reason I thought they were much smaller than that.

 Also, I always assumed they were really flying, or at least gliding. But up close I can see it was really just a hand holding them up in the air. What a fraud.


  1. The ones I've seen in the Gulf of Mexico were only about 4-6 inches.....they look like a little flying mullet to me....once got hit right in the chest with one trying to escape a predator of some sort, though I've rarely seen them flying more than a few inches above the water....

  2. Off the coast of GA at F and G reef they run about a foot long. We had a cuddy cabin 30' boat that my dad and I would spend a couple of days on fishing trips to the reefs back in the 70's and 80's. I would check the deck in the mornings and we would have a few on the deck that would end up being breakfast.

  3. As with other posters, I've had them land on the deck of my ocean-going boat, back when I had it. I never ate one, but I'm picky when it comes to which fish I eat and don't eat. They are cool fish - and I never knew about the hand-holding-them-up thing until now.

  4. Vacationed in Barbados many times. The traditional first night dinner is fried flying fish. Several times we've chartered a boat and gone our fishing. Always love to watch them flying off in front of the boat. They don't get much altitude but they can get some remarkable distance.

  5. "Fried flying fish"??

    Try ordering that when you're half in the bag.
