Sunday, July 1, 2018

AMLO wins big in Mexico

Better get that wall up real quick.  Nieto, the current presidente,  serves until December, then the path to Venezuela level destruction begins.  

This is bad news for everybody both north and south of the border.

If I had assets there, I'd be getting them out now while the getting is possible.  Make sure you are not in Mexico after the new year.

Primary platform points:  ♦Amnesty to all drug cartels.  ♦No longer will work with U.S. immigration enforcement.  ♦Nationalize oil industry.  ♦Farm subsidies. ♦Elimination of multinational corporate influence on farming.  ♦Support and assistance for economic growth plan: using •mass migration of Mexican nationals into Southern U.S., •create AmeriMex border region, and •remittance of earnings back to Mexico as initiative for rapid domestic economic growth.

Some of those plans border on acts of war against the USA.


  1. Mexico will help us build the wall!

    And when the dust settles, and the commie is gone, America will go in and buy whatever it wants for 10 cents on the dollar. Good news for us.

    1. I hope you're correct, LL. In the meantime let's not forget the 11 million "tip-of-the-spear" illegal army with the help of politicians both Democrat and Republicans and the million or so citizen Quislings (i.e. Whiny Liberals) within our borders. It'll be tough battle and we must stand firm with or Commander-in-Chief.

  2. The oil industry in Mexico was nationalized half a century ago. That is just one reason that Mexico is a shithole.

  3. We need to militarize the border, NOW.

  4. They'll probably be a bit faster to collapse than Venezuela, if they re-nationalize the petroleum sector. Their major offshore fields have been watering out for years, and their prospects are all in deep water, adjacent to the USA Gulf of Mexico. This is going to make Chevron and Shell's life difficult in a big way, as they've been making inroads toward joint development of those prospects. Doubt the risk would make sense now. They've all be bitten badly in Venezuela. Back to the Stone Age with them.
