Saturday, March 10, 2018

The Ultimate Home Office


  1. Perhaps if it was in Germany Valley.

  2. I used to have my office on my boat, slipped in Spinnaker Bay, SoCal. Spinnaker Bay slippage was and may still be the most desirable in the So Cal coastline. I had my galley close at hand, etc. and if I wanted to take a nap, I'd go below and let the motion of the ocean put me to sleep.

    So that was very nice as well, and to me, rivals the one above.

  3. That's a TERRIBLE home office. I'd never get anything done.

    I went to engineering grad school with a guy who got his PhD and moved to Scripps as a researcher. They gave him an office overlooking the beach in La Jolla. After three months he hadn't produced a damn thing. Finally he asked to be moved to a windowless office in the basement, which restored his productivity.

  4. Nope, too many damn windows and must be hell to heat...

  5. That office says to me, "What the hell are you doing in here? Get out *there* and stop wasting your time looking!"

  6. I'd be completely unproductive. Way too much distraction.
