Saturday, March 3, 2018

Ah, women!

Spanish woman fighting for the Republican Loyalists in the Spanish Civil War. She is armed with a British Lee-Enfield rifle.

Kashmiri Muslim girl, 1939

Amelia Earhart is helped out of her deep sea diving suit after exploring the bottom of the sea off Block Island, Rhode Island. July 25, 1929.


  1. Amelia Earhart was hot. Too bad how it all ended for her.

    1. She definitely was, but here I favor the Spanish gal.

  2. Back in 1984 I had a Lee Enfield, in Australia. It was a great rifle, and back then .303 was plentiful & cheap.

    I'm sad that no one there has an Enfield any longer, or any center-fire rifle. Support the NRA and the 2nd Amendment, or it could happen here!
