Sunday, August 20, 2017

Going to get a coffee


  1. I believe that video recording was staged, and that it's a human being wearing an ape suit.

    Note how he turns and looks directly at the camera, but doesn't look anywhere else.

    1. It is fake, but for years people believed, because they wanted to and the video was pretty well done. I believe the guys who made it eventually confessed.

    2. Nope, they have held that it is true.

  2. Who recorded this?

    Where was it recorded?

    When was it recorded?

    Under what conditions was it recorded?

  3. That has been around for 50 years. It is the Patterson-Gimlim film. Supposedly of a female yeti that had been seen multiple times in the Humboldt county region of northern Cali. It was filmed in 16mm which was high tech for the time. It is still up in the air if this is real or not.

  4. What is the artefact at the beginning, where the ape like creature is already in the middle of the screen - even though it is walking left to right across the field of view?
