Sunday, February 2, 2025

Deep in the salt mine



  1. Goin there tomorrow…

  2. Been there a billion years and yet they put an expiration date on the container when you buy it.

    1. Close; Permian Age is a geologic period that lasted from approximately 298.9 million years ago to 251.9 million years ago.

  3. Blows my mind how long it took for those deposits of salt to build up. Almost incomprehensible. But its there. Amazing.

  4. Worked in the coal mines in WV, something about being way down underground, nothing is like it. Another world entirely. Its funny, they use a lot of coal mining equipment for mining salt. Couple times where I worked the owners bought used salt mining equipment, once its brought up to the surface it begins to rapidly turn to rust, the chassis's do that is, the gear on them, motors, steering, diffs, electrical components, doesn't, those are the valuable parts, we stripped them of everything and used everything on new chassis.
