Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Admiral Portable Television - 1956



  1. about$100 in 1956. that was major cash

  2. 1949 - My parents purchased a home entertainment center that had a tiny screen black & white TV, an AM radio and a turntable. All the kids in the neighborhood came to our house to watch it. No body but us had one.

    Then in 1956 they purchased a "portable" black & white TV that looked just like that one. We were in 7th Heaven with a big screen TV!!!

  3. We had a green screened Hoffman in the late 50s. 2 (CBS), 4 (NBC) Disney Channel-first with color, 7 (ABC), 9 (KHJ), 11(KTTV) Dodger Channel, 13 (KCOP)

  4. Geez, I got old somehow. I remember these. The penguins in my all boy's school thought they were giving us a treat to watch the world series.
    Sitting farther back than 10 seats, I couldn't see much.
    Totally boring. I did need glasses, I found out.

  5. I was born in the late 50s in CA last by 6 years and my family was poor when I was born. Got to lower middle class when I reached school age and that looks like the TV we had until 69 when my Dad bought a used color TV.

  6. The first year my parents bought half a cow, it came with a B&W TV on a wheeled stand and a set of six stamped metal collapsible TV dinner trays.

    The second half a cow they bought came with a new refrigerator/freezer. Sixty-two years later that unit still works fine. No major repairs since new. The refer door needs help keeping a seal.
