Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Time passes



  1. What a great combination of acting. No it wasn't an Academy Award winner but dam it was great entertainment. The G, B and U will be remembered long after most award winners are forgotten.

    1. The movie was actual crap.
      But it is fun and enjoyable.
      Favorite seen is when Tuco is running around the cemetery.......

  2. Yes those two worked together so perfectly in that movie....

  3. Apparently Ely was nearly killed in the scene on the train tracks.

  4. I agree, 1966 and 1967 had some great movies, but the Oscar winners are not among those movies that the average American watches over and over. I believe that time shows this was a miss by Hollywood for not acknowledging the genius of this movie.

  5. When it's time to shoot...shoot.

    1. When it's time to shoot...shoot, don 't talk. - Tuco

    2. Tuco Benedicto Pacífico Juan María Ramírez

  6. Please don't tell me that's an old picture. I know Clint Eastwood is still with us, but...

    1. Well.... Eli passed in 2014.

    2. Eli Wallach was jewish. While in the army during WWII he put together a comedy show in which they mocked deposed European fascist leaders. He played Hitler.
      Thank God Eli didn't live long enough to see the american government side with Nazis here and abroad.

    3. Spoken like a leftest commie. How fitting.

    4. I'm not a leftist communist. I'm as much a capitalist as anyone. The difference is that I can also see with my own eyes and think with my own brain.
      The notion that you can call anything you don't like as communism says a lot more about you than about me.

      We have installed in power a group of people that call themselves white-nationalists, the same people that want to make the US into a Christian nation. These are not my words. These are their own words.

      I'm not a communist but I'm afraid that many of the people you like are fascists.

    5. "We have installed in power a group of people that call themselves white-nationalists". Citation, please.

    6. Ok, I read all that. I asked for evidence that "We have installed in power a group of people that call themselves white-nationalists". What you provided was commentary by leftist organizations that labelled patriotic Americans who believe in traditional values Christian nationalists, not white nationalists. Like your sources, it seems you applied that label on them as an epithet.. Further, the prominent participation of folk who are not members of the colloquial rubric "white," if we can even know what that's supposed to mean, in the current government argues against your position. Should it be disqualifying or even of any concern that people elect Christians, or Christians who are patriotic (if that's what you mean when you say 'nationalist"), or white or black or red or yellow people (again, just using your terms)? Honest analysis is not your strength, although finding sources that simply agree with your world view is.

    7. Wha wha wha, just enjoy the pictures. No one wants to this or how big some girls teeth are.

  7. The US government is siding with nazis? Did I miss

    1. Ukraine. Yes, you miss everything that matters if you only consume only Laimsrteam Media. (((They))) tell you what (((they))) want you to think is real. Operation Mockingbird.

    2. Did you miss Elon giving a nazi salute?
      Did you miss Trump siding with Neo-nazi parties in Europe?
      Did you miss the President pardoning a guy that wore a "Camp Auschwitz" sweater during the Jan 6 insurrection?
      Did you miss Trump having dinner with Nick Fuentes and Cane West?
      Did you miss Timothy Hale-Cusanelli (google him you will be surprised) giving speeches at Trump's clubs and getting invited to the inauguration?
      Did you miss Musk amplifying and promoting Nazi friendly accounts on twitter?
      Did you miss Trump saying that there were "...fine people on both sides..." when talking about neonazis that chaned "jews will not replace us"?

      Seems like you are missing too many things to be coincidental.

    3. My God. There's a useful idiot amongst us.

    4. Like I'm going to put a lot of weight on someone who can't be bothered to even put up a fake name in his Leftist rants.

  8. Careful son. That Kool-Aid is murder.

  9. Not a Bolshevik, not a Commie, and yet, you cite a phrase parroted by the MSM and Commies that was purposely chopped to make it seem as if that was what he said, instead of the full quote. If you can't get that correct, the rest of what you parrot is also suspect. FedBoi or Commie, or just another leftist troll, all are of the same ilk. FOAD

  10. I worked on a job with EW's grandson.

  11. I subscribe to the theory that the Man With No Name Trilogy is filmed in reverse order. GBU is the first as you see him get the famous serape and the character changes over the three movies. Yes there's the issue with Lee van Cleef but it's Mortimer out to revenge his twin brother!

  12. Rod Stewart's 'Time Passages' is now playing in my mid.
