Thursday, January 30, 2025

Quality construction there.



  1. Word has it that the rope traveler is a cute home wrecker.

  2. Someone skipped physics class in high school.
    Pulling sideways on a tightrope has a magnifying effect on the force felt by the ends of the rope.

    That is why anyone that ever spent anytime offroad knows that you can pull a stuck vehicle by pulling sideways from a tight rope attached to the vehicle on one end a tree on the other. Also, people that spend time around boats learn very quickly that the best way to get a boat closer to the pier is by pulling sideways on lines.

    Also, columns are designed to receive weight in exactly one direction. Vertical. Pull on the thing sideways with a magnified force and it will fail.

  3. As my late father used to say, "It takes all kinds."

  4. A poor bond due to bad mortaring technique also contributed. For mortar and concrete to set correctly they must never be allowed to dry, the water has to be consumed in a chemical conversion that creates calcium hydroxide and a couple of hydrates. That's why you wet the bricks before laying them and cover the work with a tarp.

  5. "Hey, Dad! Watch this!!"


  6. Pillars are designed for download not side. I have knocked over a double stacked cinder block one with my shoulder. They decided not to pay me and it took about a minute to knock down a dozen or so

  7. Maybe not there, but in the majority of US home construction the bricks are not even load bearing, they are 100% decorative. "Brick Houses" are by and large wood-frame houses that have a brick façade, that façade bearing no load and providing no support to the house. We had a patio added and brick pillars to support the roof. Except the actual support came from a 10x10 wooden beam set in concrete. The bricks were added later as a cosmetic upgrade. So yeah, don't tie off anything to brick construction.

    1. There are 1,000 year old brick buildings that disagree.
      Check pretty much everything built in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece and most other southern european countries. Once done with Europe you can also check the Great Wall of China which is made of bricks and over 2000 years old...

  8. Turd World construction in one gif.
