And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
I don't object to freckles, but I'm glad my wife of almost 46 years doesn't have them.
As to negroids, well, I think that they belong in Africa eating grubs and living in mud huts. I've had too many unpleasant encounters with both male and females in my life, most recently HR females and NGO leeches wanting reparations. I've never liked jungle music; my parents hated rock and roll, even jazz. When my cousin died mom destroyed several hundred jazz records.
CW, the above was just a comment on that particular photo. most of the photos you run are delightful and or beautiful.
As to anonymous at 7:26, try going over to Gab. Compared to a lot of the writers over there, I'm a far left bleeding heart. Go to any gunshow(esp. the small rural ones), wargaming, miniature, toy shows and see what most of the dealers and customers think...
Adding from David Niven's autobiography his commanding Colonel said after he boasted he had had every kind of women "...the one thing I cannot stand is a woman with a Glasgow accent. Pass the Port."
Ethiopian maybe?
Deleteracist much?
DeleteSomething odd... too much makeup? A.I.? Something
ReplyDeleteExactly, not natural
DeleteWypipo hair
ReplyDeleteShe's pretty.
ReplyDeleteDidn't you post this the other day?
ReplyDeleteDifferent chick, same theme.
DeleteI'd rather suck start a 12 gauge.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, CW, but IMHO there is no such thing as an attractive negroid. Even worse than a pig with lipstick.
ReplyDeleteEverybody has different tastes, and you have every right to yours. Me, I like women with freckles, can't help it.
DeleteDidn't realize that there were still people like you living...I am an incredibly naive 73 year old.
DeleteI don't object to freckles, but I'm glad my wife of almost 46 years doesn't have them.
DeleteAs to negroids, well, I think that they belong in Africa eating grubs and living in mud huts. I've had too many unpleasant encounters with both male and females in my life, most recently HR females and NGO leeches wanting reparations. I've never liked jungle music; my parents hated rock and roll, even jazz. When my cousin died mom destroyed several hundred jazz records.
CW, the above was just a comment on that particular photo. most of the photos you run are delightful and or beautiful.
As to anonymous at 7:26, try going over to Gab. Compared to a lot of the writers over there, I'm a far left bleeding heart. Go to any gunshow(esp. the small rural ones), wargaming, miniature, toy shows and see what most of the dealers and customers think...
Delete@7:26, you call it naive, everybody else calls it stupid.
DeleteShe’s obviously Indian of some flavor not black. Dumb
DeleteDangerously pretty
ReplyDeleteAdding from David Niven's autobiography his commanding Colonel said after he boasted he had had every kind of women "...the one thing I cannot stand is a woman with a Glasgow accent. Pass the Port."
ReplyDeleteIf the pic is of a real woman, she is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteWell this the point: most of these images are AI and bear no resemblance to reality.
ReplyDeleteShe's even more beautiful in those photos. Sudsy in NC
ReplyDeleteGoogle says: Born in Toronto, Canada of East African parents.
ReplyDeleteFeed her.