Thursday, January 30, 2025



  1. @$139 that is a good price, as long as it isn't "used", as amazon is want to do.

    A person buys a product from amazon, removes it from the packaging, puts their old wore out item back in the packaging and files for a return and amazon doesn't check it out, they just put it on the shelf to be sold to someone else.

    That someone else than has a problem returning it because it is not what was supposedly sold to them.

    1. Returned items aren't sold as new. Pull your head out.

    2. Duh, you idiot.
      On the left side of the amazon search you have an option to choose "new" or "used". If you choose neither then both show up in search results.

      Here's your friendly hint for the day, which I'm sure you won't understand:
      "Keep your effin yap shut and your occular glands functioning"., thank you, mgt.

  2. I have the exact router mounted on my Bosch router table. I really like the Bosch products
    . Except for their dishwashers. Maybe a good product but install is a nightmare.Not much room to work underneath takes twice as long
    Probably sound dampening

    1. Our GE dishwasher is the same way. The inlet and outlet and electrical connects are at the very bottom in the right rear corner.

    2. Duh, you idiot. Almost all of them are that way now.

  3. I've got several of these and they're really good production routers. And the price is very good. (professional cabinet/furniture shop here)
