Tuesday, January 28, 2025




  1. I don't have much "daily" use for any of that stuff.

  2. Nice, but they never leave the pavement.
    And the $2 bill from the 1970s is pretentious.

  3. back when i was flying/traveling for work, i would tip with a folded $2 bill. virtually all of the tip-ees would glance at the bill, eyes go wide, and immediately hide it in their hand or pocket.

  4. $2 bills are still printed. The Clemson fan base is encouraged to pay with them at away football games.

    1. Of course they are. I have one stuck up next to where I'm sitting.
      Series 2017A.
      Dragging out a 50-year-old bill for a photo op, however, strains the viewer's credulity.
      It's like claiming a 1912 Cadillac is your daily driver.

  5. I like the Tiffany money clip, and I always have a pen in my shirt pocket but that watch is a bit too much.

  6. Aesop, if you think the $2 bill is pretentious, wait until you see how much that watch costs.

    If this is your EDC, you and I are not the same. No pocket knife or multitool, no 38 S&W snubby, no keys, no gum, just a money clip with a little cash, a pen, a watch, and a hanky, all of which are so absurdly expensive as to be useless for real EDC.

    Apparently this guy does nothing but sign checks. And autographs maybe.
