Wednesday, January 22, 2025

More political than I normally like to post, but such a great all American story. Rags to riches. Up by the bootstraps.



  1. When the movie, "Hillbilly Elegy" came out on Netflix, I had no idea was it was about and back then, I had no clue who JD Vance was. Now that I have seen the movie, what an amazing and heartbreaking story! And besides JD Vance being a US Marine little brother of mine, what a truly good person.

  2. The book is even better than the movie.

  3. Come on. We all know Kamala had it harder growing up and was a better VP.

    1. Stop being such a jackass!

    2. Yeah - we know what Kumswalla was better at.

    3. @anon1120: Have you never been exposed to sarcasm?

    4. Remember that to feed her drug habit, she stole from patients in the hospital where she worked. A truly horrible thing to do. At least Hunter bought his drugs.

  4. Teach him well President for he will lead the in 2029 to 2036. Great man.

  5. Glenn Close regrets her involvement in that movie. Pity.

    1. Glenn Close - like any and all limp wrist libtards, make a decision and regret it later. It's an unending tale of woe.

  6. Thank you CW for posting this, regardless of what side of the aisle one is on, this is an. American success story indeed.

  7. JD Vance has certainly overcame more than most. Unfortunately I have a good memory and still remember when he called Trump Hitler or when he said he hated the police.
    Are you sure we got a VP we can trust if needed? I'm not. Hopefully we will never have to test this but the fact remains that Trump is 78 years old

    1. I have it on reliable authority that seventy is the new sixty.
      Hey, I've got a knee that's only two months old!

  8. I think he is going to be great. I know police officers state, county and local. I still would not want to be stopped by run of the mill officer. They should not have unqualified immunity. They also should be better trained in true police techniques. But that would be done badly by the current ruling elite.

  9. Great men, both of them.
    Now watch the left try to rip JD to pieces trying to stop his ascent to the presidency.

    1. DJT has enough irons in the fire to give Vance a real thorough foundation.
      If Trump is as high on Vance as he claims to be, he would be wise to run Vance ragged and try to give him six years of experience in the next four.
