Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Greenland, or would that be Trumpistan?



  1. I have recently read some comments from Greenlanders who say that they are tired of Danish "colonialism" and would love to be free and part of America.

    1. Are they in for a rude awakening. Besides, it would never happen, unless somebody found something, or knows of some in high value ground asset worth a lot of billions. Same with Canada, all that north country, look how much the Russians have up along their northern tier in natural resources. So much they don't know how much it is they have in the ground. Thats not hyperbole, take WV for example, won't hear this on evening news, just in known commercially viable reserves, if this coal was mined and it was the only source of fuel in the united states for producing electric power, no nukes no gas or oil fired, just coal, be enough for 150 plus years, and that is only thermal coal, again known commercially mineable deposits. FYI, coal is the ingle cheapest, most easily extractable, safest, energy source in practical use. Or was. No such thing as dirty coal either. Makes you think just how much energy we really have and how its controlled and why.

    2. Greenland supposedly has a lot of exploitable minerals and precious metals. Hence Trumps preoccupation with it. Can't depend on China for such things. They've already stopped dealing with the US for some metals.

    3. I think the main concern is that China attempts to exert too much influence there.

  2. Military base(s) beneath.

  3. What a timeline we live in.

    1. Indeed, oh and a better timeline is starting on the 20th.
      I do like how he triggers lefties.
      Tears and fears: The Unburdening.
      Nyuk nyuk Nuuk!

    2. I wonder some times if Trump is serious or just trolling the left with some of the things he comes up with, like this meme from last night:


      It sure as heck makes him unpredictable.

  4. Trump has all of you arguing about stupid propositions (annexing Canada or Greenland) meanwhile he has no plan for the real problems he was elected to solve. 99% of his proposed policies are inflationary, grow the deficit or both.

    Keep looking at the shiny distraction Trump throws in front of you instead of looking at America's real problems and the second Trump term will end just like the first one. America has real problems. Inflation, immigration, deficits, gun violence, unstable global landscape, healthcare costs, etc, etc, etc.

    We don't need more land we need solutions for the problems we have.

    1. Nyuk nyuk Nuuk.
      Aye , the salt does flow.

    2. Agreed but I think he is thinking from a geopolitical standpoint, at least with Greenland.

    3. Anon 3:57 is the type of that was completely against the Louisiana Purchase, the acquisition of Alaska, and probably the Apollo Program. Only tune he likely knows is “How will this help me, personally?”

    4. 99%, inflationary. Hyperbole at its finest. Get real.
      Geopolitically makes sense to counter China for one.
      Will it happen though, heck no.
      This is the end of wokeness, and the aim by bluster is to shake this Establishment of unelected elites.
      Masks off.
      See how they bluster as they realize their power is being challenged.
      The unexpected fresh energy that Trump has brought has stirred things up, thrown the establishment into disarray.
      Much wringing of hands ensues, How Could He Even Say That??
      51st state of Canada, the nerve! Meanwhile Trudy Castro up north is stepping down (really need to call snap elections).
      If the west can be freed from these disastrous liberal leaders & policies
      we’ll all be better off.

      Nice photo BTW, there’s gold in them thar hills!

    5. Funny thing. My last trip to icelans, they complained about immigrants from ... greenland. Lazy. Wouldnt learn the language. And worst of all. The danish taint.

  5. don't ya just love their paint color choices for the houses????

  6. Looks like Whoville

  7. I'd volunteer for a 5-year stint at Thule AFB (uh! 'scuse me. Pituffik SB)

  8. Trump the Triumphant Troll has all the progressive MSM twits going crazy. Trump, you magnificent bastard, I read your book!

  9. Carl Sagan's foreboding (29 years ago)
    “I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness...

    The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance”

    1. “Millions and millions of TDS sufferers inhabit the known universe”
      (Best said in the Sagan accent).
