Thursday, January 2, 2025

Four 50.Cal Machine Guns The stinger tail of the B-52 Radar guided.



  1. Nothing says don't tailgate like that does. Need to paint Yosemite Sam with his 2 six shooters on the back. Stay Back.

  2. Spent 6 weeks at Langley AFB in '86 as a contractor. I was talking to one of the airmen that had at some point been mowing the infields. He said he noticed one of the B-52 tail turrets following him around as he mowed. He parked and quietly walked off.

  3. Nice, but not practical in these current times.

  4. The Ammo boys always did their best to keep the guns ready. I had the opportunity to fly First Sortie After Ground Alert flights to test the guns and flares. They worked as advertised. Go Ammo!

  5. Ref the lawnmower story above. The only B-52 at Langley is sitting on a stick. They were never stationed there.

  6. B-52H had a similar arrangement, but with a 20mm 6-barrel Gatling gun. See here: While working for Emerson Electric, I was part of a team that updated the blueprints and design and manufacturing for the ASG-21 Gun Laying Mount. We ultimately delivered what I believe were the last two complete systems to USAF. BTW, B-52 H is easy to distinguish from the earlier versions because its tail fin is cropped and is shorter. “G” and earlier fins were tall and pointy.

  7. G models was the first to get shortened (in height) and lengthened (in chord) tails. The F models were the last of the tall tails.

    The G was a significant redesign that made it lighter, with new wing, more fuel capacity, more water capacity for the J57 engines, removed ailerons, added one more spoiler on each side, modified tail, and gunner moved to the cockpit.

    The H is largely same as G, upgraded with TF33 engines that didn't require water augmentation, 1x20mm gun in place of the 4x .50 cals, some avionics upgrades.

  8. Gunners SSG Samuel Turner and A1C Albert Moore both shot down MiG-21's during Linebacker II in December, 1972. The North Vietnamese credited another shot down the previous April, but I've never seen anything to indicate that the Air Farce took credit for it.
