Sunday, January 19, 2025



  1. Replies
    1. Flintstone brakes?

    2. that was gonna be my comment....drag a toe if you want brakes.
      Brakes are for pussies.

    3. No, they let you steer. Otherwise you may just go down in a contractor garage bag and prat the whole way down
      Hill we seeded down was about 50% grade. It was crazy fast like 30-40 mph. Many went to the hospital.

  2. There's snow outside now, but if I buy this, it will never snow here again until the grandkids are too old.

  3. I remember going down a huge hill with a couple dads and a couple other boys (5 people total) on a large wooden toboggan. We hit a big bump and bodies went everywhere. Good times.

  4. We had aluminum parabolic-shaped flying saucers with a chicken handle on either side. Our dads were enterprising about making luge runs down the hills that fit the shape, complete with moguls and banked turns. If you got going fast enough, you pile up over the banked turns. Brakes ? Hah ! That's what trees are for.

  5. I had "aluminum parabolic-shaped flying saucers with a chicken handle on either side" as well. Across the alley from the backyard were railroad tracks that sat on a fill line. We used to sled down that all the time. If it was a good snow, you could slide across the alley into the yard. Of course we had to make a path through the tree-like weeds.

  6. Wish I had that when I lived in Canada, had a hill behind our house and one at the school yard, would have been great.

  7. Looks like a futuristic flip-flop.
