Monday, January 13, 2025

Bears are sometimes quite resourceful



  1. I remember reading a remark somebody made about the bear-proof trash cans in national parks. They said something along the line that it was difficult designing trash cans that would keep intelligent bears out but not overly complicated so as to keep most people from being able to use them.

  2. Also known as "The Alaskan squirrel".....

  3. I already go through 40lbs of birdseed a month, I can't afford to feed the bears too.

  4. That would be an understatement thats for sure. They are pretty efficient problem solvers.

  5. Last fall, had a fifty pound bag of very expensive malt, and one of steam flaked corn sitting by the front door UPS dropped off, ordered for making my beer with, had laid both bags on the tailgate of the truck, out there about an hour before getting around to bringing them inside, a bear got into them, just about scoffed all of it down clean before going out to bring them inside, had his head buried in the second bag, like a vacuum cleaner, grabbed the shotgun, let off a warning shot to scare it away, incredible pig that bear was, his belly stuck out a country mile, pretty amazing how fast he ran off looked hilarious he had to waddle and his stomach was so packed with grain, it all but dragged on the lawn. Left me all of 27lbs weighed out, but it was enough for couple batches.

  6. Like Squirrels, they are determined.

  7. Bears are our brothers.

  8. When motivated by food bears can be amazingly clever.

  9. I want to know what cord they used to hang that bird feeder?

  10. We've seen them getting into rides without a key. How about the key in their tummy starting the SUV after lunch?
    No driver's license, no insurance, no problem, look at all the dopes out there. Slap their hands and send them home to mommy...
