Friday, September 6, 2024

Digging in Deep



  1. Been there, done that, like many that read here.

  2. That or some variation may be what old destroyer sailors called "sailing with a bone in her teeth".

  3. As a kid, I never got seasick. As a teenager, I never had any interest in becoming a "squid" so I volunteered to be a US Marine. While I was a Marine, I got seasick a few times, so I am so thankful for not being a "squid."

  4. A lot of civilians on neighboring ship.

  5. Agree, served on two AOs and always admired the destroyers alongside for UNREP and the way they could accelerate when done in any sea state. Looks like the carrier has a “Tiger Cruise” going on. And the “Officer of the Watch?” While alongside a carrier? Who has the Deck and the Conn? CO? XO?

    1. My first thought also, terms matter. Civilian ships may use OOW or "Officer on watch" but in the USN when underway, it's the OOD or "Officer of the deck" that would have the con in the absence of the CO or XO.

  6. Ahhh Memories!! When I was 1st class Quartermaster on an LCU (landing craft Utility) operating off Puerto Rico another LCU Craftmaster crashed his LCU into a pier in the harbor.....throwed him off the wheelhouse and busted him up pretty bad. I was sent over to take over the LCU and proceed to the LHA USS Tarawa offshore in 8ft swells! I got the "OK" to approach the well deck and called the bridge that the LCU had surfaced and timed literally with the 8ft swell and SURFED into the well deck! The OOD on the bridge didn't appreciate my humor! We didn't break anything that wasn't already broke on the LCU and when we returned to Little Creek VA. I was made a "CraftMaster" and given my own LCU!!! The best time I ever had in the USN!!! Left the Navy when they wanted me to be a "Recruiter" and joined the Coast Guard.....and was qualified as an OOD on 5 different Cutters and trained the newbies how to pilot ships! stayed for a total of 26 years! Ahh memories! LOL

    1. Current state of the Navy must make you weep.

    2. Extremely!! My son in law and my daughter are stationed in Okinawa, they love the area, but the USN has the DEI blues
