Thursday, September 12, 2024

The videos on this make it look like lots of fun.


1 comment:

  1. In elementary I was a wide receiver, but that did not stop my old man from making me do blocking drills. Since about seven or eight, I'd come down the long drive after the bus dropped me off, set my books down in the yard and still in my 'school clothes' I'd have to drop down in a three point stance and do drills into an old thirty foot royal palm.

    My brother and I did this for at least an hour every day after school. No pads, no pulling back. Hit that thing with all we were worth. To this day, and I've said before on other sites, the evening I came home and found that tree laying in the yard just might be my favorite childhood memory.

    I really disliked the old man for that, however in Middle school I switched to Linebacker, and I could hit you so hard I'd knock paint flecks off your helmet. Found out the trick to anything is just decide you are going to do it, and do it with everything you have.

    Guess the old man knew what he was doing after all.
