Friday, September 6, 2024

Ford F-750 Loaded With Gravel Plunges Through Historic Wooden Bridge In Maine

Originally built in the 1800s, Babb’s Bridge served as a vital crossing over the Presumpscot River for over a century. It was destroyed by vandals in 1973 but was rebuilt that same year using historically accurate, locally sourced materials. Now, it will require partial reconstruction again.


When an overweight F-750 drove over it, ignoring signs warning about the weight limit, the bridge - one of 9 covered bridges left in the state - gave out and the vehicle plunged into the water below, according to a report from The Drive

The report says that Babb’s Bridge in Gorham, Maine, the state's oldest remaining covered bridge dating back to 1840, has a strict weight limit of three tons.

Despite this, the driver of a Ford F-750, which weighs over 9,000 pounds empty and can reach a GVWR of 26,000 to 37,000 pounds with cargo, attempted to cross it.

The result is obvious from the picture.

Some people just aren't cut out for any responsibility.


  1. A brain is helpful... and available.

  2. Was the driver operating under orders from the owner? Some guys don't operate at high levels of IQ, and some business owners prefer that.

    1. Where I come from the driver is always responsible for his rig and its loads. That's why if you go to work for a guy that tells you to do something that you know you shouldn't or that you know is not legal you inform your supervisor or the owner of the company "I was looking for a job when I found this one. Adios, Em-effer".

      This driver didn't do that and should be responsible for the cost of repairing the bridge. Because he's a moron, among other things.

  3. Be best if the driver is no longer sharing our oxygen. Dumbass.

  4. The driver and the company he works for should pay for every last cent in the restoration of that bridge.
    Not insurance.
    Not the Government (our taxes.)
    Not volunteer money.

  5. Why specify the bridge weight limit in tons but then mention the trucks weight in pounds?

  6. Looking at Google Street View I don't see any signs on the bridge or before the bridge specifying the vehicle weight restrictions?

    1. Very small weight limit signs .3 mile to the east and .6 mile to the north.

  7. Did the driver work for Colemans in Conway? They've damaged covered bridges here in Jackson and Conway several Times.

  8. why does this article switch from tons to lbs, I was told there would be no math.

  9. Stupid SOB should be held personally and financially responsible. Morons, morons everywhere.

  10. Was that a 'long ton' or a 'short ton'?

    Doesn't matter a lot really. He wasn't even close to legal.

  11. And assess a daily fine for every day that truck is parked on the bottom of the river.

  12. Too many of these drivers no habla, and being members of a protected group, no give a shit.

  13. You guys sure this wasn't part of an ad for that new bee juice movie??

  14. Geeez….with my 2009 Tundra and my full tool box, I’d have to make any passengers get out and walk across….

  15. Like a Warner Bros cartoon.

  16. I've never heard of an F-750. The F-250 is too big as it is to park in a standard parking space.

  17. I looked through half a dozen Maine-local news articles, looking for info on the driver - this is all I got it talks about a citation, the company that owned the truck, but not the name of the driver. These days that usually means the name might give away the ethnicity and perhaps clue to citizenship of the driver. Have not Brandon and Kalamalalalalala have been sending lots of "newcomers" to places like Maine. . . . . . . ? asking for a friend.

  18. driving while Mexican!!!!!!
