Tuesday, September 17, 2024

But why is there a space ship with the markings of the Martian Air Force at the bottom?


The Richat Structure, also known as "The Eye of the Sahara".

Located in Mauritania, the structure is about 50 km in diameter. It was initially thought to be the result of an impact event because large meteors typically produce circular features on Earth's surface. But geologic studies have revealed that it is actually an uplifted geologic dome, also known as a domed anticline.


  1. You sure it is just not the planet's largest Ammonite fossil?

  2. Scientists find some interesting stuff and have all manner of explanations for their finds. I don't believe that they know half as much as they'd like us to think they do.

  3. It looks to me like a strip mine.

  4. Why would a geologic dome have so many concentric circles?

  5. But why is it a spiral? Follow the lines of the ridges and it spirals inward (or outward, depending on where you start).

  6. Check it out on Google Earth. This is greatly enhanced, probably photoshopped, and isn't even close to the actual appearance.

  7. So it's not Aliens? Not sure zIam buying this.
