Saturday, September 14, 2024

Gásadalur, Faroe Islands



  1. The Faroe Islands have a very strong attraction. If anyone has the chance to see the episode of "People of the North" devoted to the Faroes on PBS, it's certainly worth a look. We regularly get Faroe Island salmon here in Ottawa and it is excellent. Steve_in_Ottawa

  2. Dear Steve: where do you get Faroe salmon in Ottawa, please? I live there also. - Many thanks!

    1. Not sure if CW allows this but....Produce Depot at the corner of Carling and to Thyme and Again. It might not be there every day but it is most days. Andy is the fish monger and will usually have at least three or four salmons including Irish and Scottish organic, both of which are also excellent. Lots of other good stuff too.

  3. Excellent query, Sniper! Seems to be a severe lack of organic combustible material to keep one warm and to cook with.
