Thursday, September 12, 2024

Be ready



  1. I usually plant Early Girl and Roma but I could not find any seed last January. I ended up planting 4th of July and San Marzano but I also had some volunteer cherry tomatoes. The 4th of July's started producing the second week of June and the first heat wave put them into a shock and they stopped producing. I lost half of the San Marzano before they were a foot tall. The 3 remaining had problems producing and I only got 4 tomatoes this season. The cherry tomatoes produced a handful of tomatoes by the end of June and it slowed mid August to just a couple daily. I plan on a Gladiator Roma, Better Boy, Brandywine, and Polish Linguisa next year.

  2. You cannot live by tomatoes alone, even though we are harvesting from several plants and the moment ( North ID). Given the upcoming uncertainties, consider Siberian Kale. I have been planting it for years both here in the Gem State and when I lived on the Oregon Coast. It will grow right through a snowdrift. Victory Seed Company. I have no financial interest in them. They are out of Texas and it is very easy to order online. Blieb ubrig.

  3. Some reviews show the seeds are pretty unviable. Get you heirloom seeds from a friend or a local feed store. Then save them yourself for next year. Be sure to map out your garden and mark which seeds you planted were heirloom. And rotate crops.
