Friday, September 13, 2024

Vernal Falls



  1. I have seen those falls a number of times, as boy and man, and they are lovely and powerful.

  2. The thing about Vernal Falls is it is readily viewable to the masses. But there are at least one hundred more in the park which are equally inspiring.

    What is great about Yosemite Park is the valley is only a small part of it. Stay out of the valley to be immersed in wide open splendor. And without the noise and pressures of people. The back country is where it's at.

  3. Been there, done that on a day when the rivers were so full much of the campgrounds were closed by flooding.

  4. Was there for the first time in my 62 years in May with my wife and our SF-based daughter. It was Heavenly. I hope I can go back some day and see some of the off-the-beaten-path sights that Rick writes of above.

  5. That's one long photo.
