Wednesday, September 11, 2024

What is all that Battle Rattle those guys are wearing?



  1. Reverse image search says they are SEALs so I'd guess it's scuba gear and they are parachuting into water.

  2. not sure, but it might be a rebreathing thing the Seals use. the lower part is gear they going to use after they get down. they seem to have swim fins attached behind their boots. left Sam many years ago. long before they had all of the new toys they have now. a lot has changed in close to 40 years

  3. 30 yrs for me. The boots and the mask strapped to the right upper arm give it away as to a water jump. Rebreather definitely on their chest and the big black thing-a-ma-jig between their legs is a testicle holder. (joking) but not far from truth. More than likely a flotation device.

  4. appears their dry bags are in front of their legs, they're not wearing boots but "booties" for fins, fins behind shins, rebreather on chest.
    Must be approaching a coast given the mountains in front of the a/c130.

  5. Dry bag yes sir, You are correct

  6. They are jumping with Drager LAR 7s which is the baby brother of the LAR 5, the pack is a dry bag known as a SOWB (Special Operations Waterproof Bag), we were issued these in the 90s. They are like a dry suit for your kit, they included a small compressed air bottle for buoyance. I believe we were paying 5k for each one back then. As far as I know, they don't use them any longer as there are better available now which are less cumbersome.

  7. Who took the picture?
