Saturday, March 23, 2024

Every community needs one of these



  1. We have a similar small ice cream/fried food/tacos joint here in town. No place to sit inside really but many picnic tables and a very busy drive-up window. Oddly, it can be quite as busy in the winter when it is 5ish degrees as in the summer at 110 degrees. They sling a mean fried asparagus, and 'spargus season is coming up! We'll buy it by the bushel from a small stand in the afternoon of the day it was picked. Yum!

  2. Most communities have hundreds of big "dips." Hopefully these folks never have any issues with their soft serve machine or they will have the DOJ up their butts for sure.

  3. We had one that had been in business since 1947, but it closed a few months ago. I drove past the site last week and the building was bulldozed. They’re going to build condos. Sic transit gloria mundi.

    1. paved paradise and put up a parking lot

  4. I remember these, and miss'em. We even had a local dairy that made its own ice cream (from its own cream) and had an ice cream stand at one of its road-side barns. Good times for a wee tow-headed tot riding rear gunner in the station wagon.

  5. We have the Frosty Palace. Been in the next town over for over 60 years.

  6. There is still one just outside of Mt. Vernon, Ohio, on SR 3. Right now closed for the season. Will open soon.

  7. I'm happy to report that Lotta Burger in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the Suzie Q Malt Shop in Rogers, Arkansas, the Rocket Drive Inn at Jennings, Louisiana and the Phillips Drive Inn at Laurel, Miz-sippi are alive and well.

    Name some more, people. Use 'em or looze 'em!

  8. This is in North Syracuse NY:

    Been there. Loved it.

  9. Agree. Was a weekly thing growing up. No better ice cream anywhere. Sadly not the same today.
