Saturday, March 30, 2024

Turvuren Dog Characteristics, via the American Kennel Club

 The elegant, agile Belgian Tervuren is a bright and self-assured herding dog of medium size, known to be affectionate and possessive with loved ones. Lots of hard work and challenging play is heaven for this tireless, do-it-all dog. The Belgian Tervuren is characterized by a straight and abundant coat, an elegant but muscular frame, a proudly carried head, an alert and intelligent demeanor, and an insatiable work drive. The Terv's coat furnishings, like the sporty 'collarette' around the neck, are more profuse on males, who run larger than females. 'Their intelligence and high activity level can be a challenge for the less creative individual who may not understand the breed's need to work,' warns one longtime owner. But don't get the idea that Tervs are grim, mechanical worker drones. In fact, Tervs take real delight in their ability to master any task, and owners say a mischievous sense of humor is at work whenever Tervs outsmart their beloved human.

I'm not convinced that's the breed of the dog I posted, though.


  1. Yes that's a Terv. Had one, familiar with breed having done many breed shows. It's a youngster maybe about a year old so won't look like adult. Coat color will change once or twice from puppy to adult.
    Steve S6

  2. Looks like one:

  3. Four mutts in same family. Tervuren, Malinois, Groenendaeler and Laekenois. I had Groenendaeler. Good dog but hard to housebreak. Pissed on the floor more than I do!

  4. I think you should be convinced. Darn gorgeous young model in that image.

  5. Have one right now barking at the moon, or what ever might be lurking on the farm. She is 9 years old and still has that same alert look. She is still the fastest dog on the farm. She is also the Alpha dog, even our American Bulldog is very respectful of her. She was a rescue by way of Tennessee

  6. Where is the. Pic??

