Saturday, March 9, 2024

Duty Belt



  1. More fun there, than a Christmas stocking.

  2. Ruined by the plastic fantastic euro pellet shooter. The knife handle is going to do rib damage the first time you try to shoot and scoot. Also the pen in the back and the permanently attached first aid kit. Can't sit down with that in the way.

    Spin Drift

    1. I think what you refer to as a pen, is actually part of the tourniquet.

    2. The knife is high enough that it will flex out with the body’s bend. I say that having carried both a fixed blade and a spare mag in the same general position and done plenty of movement with them. Won’t cause an issue. It would be more likely to if set to the side, actually.

    3. I have one of those Kershaws. Sits on my chest where it belongs.

  3. Batman's utility belt.

  4. +1 for what look like .308 mags.Thumpers…making concealment out of cover since 1952.

  5. Son's a cop. His duty belt weighs 35lbs. We weighed it.
    No wonder cops have back problems. Biggskye

  6. If there's no accompanying 4-point torso harness to keep that up, that'll be worn around his ankles and land him on his @$$ the first time he moves faster than a waddle.

    This a belt for people who think all they'll be doing is standing and modelling.

    1. Seems to be attachment points for a harness there.

    2. you speak out your ass.

    3. I speak from experience. That's 10-20+ pounds of future ankle weights in that pic, as is.

      The attachment points only work if you attack something to them.

      Cop belts only stay up because they strap their duty belt to their pants belts, something missing entirely from this rig.

      But hey, prove me wrong: Put one together, take it for a brisk jog a couple of laps around a track, and video your effort for the class.

      I'll wait over here.

    4. Could be for a chick with big hips…cant fall down past those.

  7. Big chunky padded battle belts were peak tactical fashion in about 2014. Everyone has gone much more minimalistic. Also, we learned super deep magazine pouches like the rifle ones here make for a heck of a time getting a good purchase on the mag under stress. Interestingly also the rifle mags have retention but not the pistol mags or holster.
