Sunday, February 4, 2024

There is apparently method to this madness



  1. Amazing, no collusions

  2. The pedestrian is the crazy one

  3. and just as abruptly, it stops!

  4. Once you accept that the only rule is that everything goes by Jungle Rules, then it all works out.

  5. Shows how effective govt rule under threat of death can be.

    1. Or better yet, absolutely NO government rules and let the people decide.

  6. Not that long ago, everyone in China rode bicycles.

  7. I worked in Shanghai in the 1990s, as HMFIC of 2 construction projects (little did I know I was facilitating the hollowing out of the American middle class). We had a bus pick up employees including me and the rest of the ex-pat engineering staff every day. The route to the job side took us through an intersection sort of like this, a meeting of 2 wide thoroughfares, like 3 or 4 vehicle lanes in each direction plus a single vehicle-wide lane on the side supposed to be for bicycles only. They had a police officer standing on a podium in the middle - white gloves, whistle, looking very official to attempt to regulate the flow of traffic. The only problem was - the only people that stopped when they were supposed to, were the ones facing him. So the light would turn, the traffic cop would rotate 90 degrees on his platform, and those he faced would obey the red light. Behind him - complete chaos. It was hilarious, and always a traffic jam of nightmare proportions.

    1. I should clarify that about 60% of the vehicles at that time were bicycles.

  8. The only rule is "every man for himself".
