Monday, February 12, 2024

Temple of Aphrodite, Aphrodisias - Turkey



  1. There is no Turkey, only occupied Ionia.

  2. 2400 years ago they built that, and it's still standing...
    Drive through any city, any one at all, doesn't matter, they're all shitholes, and ask how we fell so far!
    Two and a half Millenia ago, we were building shit like this with our bare hands, now diversity hires place a 10-foot tall buttplug in the park and call it 'art'.
    Honestly, I'm glad it's all burning down. This shitfest tires me. There's no saving it, what's the point? The tatters and scraps of society that are left will be better off re-building once the leftists have killed themselves off. Let it all go, prepare for the other side of the conflagration. Buy lots of books, your grandchildren will thank you.

  3. Long before islam, there was civilization

  4. Yes but tell us how you really feel.

  5. Islam once had a high civilization, too. Think Alhambra.

    The dark truth is that democracies focus on private consumption and build nothing. If you want monuments, you first need a king.
