Sunday, February 25, 2024

Panteón, Roma



  1. It would feel strange to have storm drains inside a building...

  2. I will see it again in October barring any unforeseen reason to not spend 2 weeks in Italy.

  3. Supposedly, you fill it with people and their body heat will create enough draft through the ceiling that a light rain won't penetrate.

  4. We were there in it during a fairly heavy rain a few years ago. It got through, but not as much as I expected and was never a problem. Just stay away from the centre.

  5. Poured in place concrete dome (un-reinforced) - almost 2,000 year old. The Oculus help lessen the load and removes the domes weakest point.

  6. Amazing piece of Roman engineering, still standing after almost 2000 years...

  7. I was wondering what about the use of lava pumice in Roman concrete that made it so strong, and my guess is along the lines of the irregular shapes of the tiny pieces of ground up lava (e.g., surface area) has something to do with it - unless there is also a chemical bond component. I'm sure there are scientific studies somewhere on the internets.
