Wednesday, February 21, 2024

One pointy airplane



  1. Habu!!

    We used to go to the end of the runway at Kadena AB to watch them take off. Unreal acceleration!

    1. I've done that! 71-72 with 376th FMS. Had one lose it's nose gear upon landing. It skidded for quite a bit. It was then trailered back to SAC side and parked in D-1. I was then able to examine it up close. Magnificent bird.

  2. I am not a pilot nor an aviation junkie…….but that is one damn sexy aircraft.

  3. Kelly Johnson has always been one of my role models along with a seemingly forgotten icon of aircraft design, Burt Rutan.

  4. There's a story about various aircraft having their airspeed checked by the tower. A little Cessna being overshadowed by a twin engined Beech? Then a Hornet driver blasts them. And then a Black bird checks in, all over but the embarrassment.

    1. Brian Shul see it here:

      Brian became a motivational speaker after the USAF. I saw him give this story in Atlanta 15 years ago.

  5. I was a young lieutenant in the Marine Corps in March or April of 1971 on a hilltop in a training area on Okinawa. I heard a roar and looked up. Coming out of the overcast at a very low altitude was this ghostly aircraft that looked like it was used in a science fiction movie. I went slack-jawed. My platoon sergeant explained what I was looking at. I had no idea such planes existed.

  6. There will never be another like it.

  7. Fired up by twin Buick Nailheads! 😁

    1. Steve, The twin Buick engine start carts were an interesting bit of gearhead, military history. My wife's best friend husband did maintenance on the sr71. He said when the shift was over they were searched before they could leave, those pesky gold seals couldn't be taken.

  8. the pinnacle, in every sense of the word
