Sunday, February 4, 2024

Fun Flick



  1. I always wonder when watching WWII films when a plane gets shot down, what happened to the plane that flew through the debris?

    1. You can suck debris into your engine, be it a prop engine or jet. Which can screw you up bigly. Basically like running into a ball of flak.

  2. I've wondered about all the fired .50 BMG cases falling to earth. There were some massive air battles; anyone on the ground ever catch one of those on the head?

    1. Yes. Same with chunks of flak falling.

    2. The key for injury is the mass of the fragment and the terminal velocity on falling. There have been a couple of studies, for instance, of kids suffering gunshot injuries to the head from falling bullets in the Middle East, where people shoot into the air to celebrate things. A 7.62×39mm (AK-47) bullet has a terminal velocity of about 300 fps (compared to 2400-ish fps muzzle velocity). It takes about 200 fps for the round to penetrate the skull. I don't know of any studies about brass.

  3. I understand there is a "top gun" 3 in the works. Hollyweird has run out of new ideas.

  4. 1) Fake clip?
    2) Why would the Trashcanistani AF pilot in Top Gun: Maverick be wearing the helmet of the pilot flying the Mig-29 in the original Top Gun?
    3) Hollywood's not out of ideas. It's just that when Tom Cruise plops out a thinly-rewritten remake as a sequel, sits on it through two years of COVIDiocy, and does $1.4B (about 10x its production budget), and single-handedly revives Hollywood from its deathbed, studio execs notice.
    4) They'd also rather make a sure-thing (they think) Rocky XXVII or Terminator XXIV, than take a chance pissing away $20-40M budget and more on an untried new idea that could turn into Ishtar, Heaven's Gate, or any of the atrocious franchise-killing bombs Disney has dumped out in the last 5 years.

    Back in the day, when Japanese execs bought out Columbia, the Sony guys asked for an explanation for how studios greenlighted their films.
    They were told the studio made two movies that bombed for every hit, so, being rubes, they asked the American film guys "Why don't you just make only successful hits?"

    The American studio people looked at the Sony businessmen like the idiot-savant morons they were and answered them
    "Because no one who's ever lived has any effing clue which movies will be hits."

    William Goldman (the guy who wrote The Princess Bride, and fixed the bad scripts of about 100 Hollywood blockbusters) famously wrote "No one in this town knows nothing."

    Hollywood has ideas that would last 1000 years, right now. The dead script warehouse looks like the building where the government stored the Ark Of The Covenant.

    They just don't have anyone with the balls (and budget) to risk losing millions of dollars on potential bad ideas, most of which aren't apparent to anyone - writer, producers, directors, actors, or audiences - until the film is shot, cut, scored, and finalized. It's too late then. The money's already spent.

    Welcome to show biz.

  5. Russian Sukhoi Jets can do those kind of Backflips for Real.
