Thursday, August 10, 2023

Essential Reading


The Survival Medicine Handbook: The Essential Guide for When Help is NOT on the Way 


  1. Good book, definitely worth getting. Also, try "Where there is no doctor".

  2. Look on YouTube for (Dr. Bones and nurse Amy)

  3. Decaded ago, the 2nd time I performed CPR on a stranger in public, I realized that I'm on my own as far as even basic First Aid is concerned.
    (That event formalized what I saw during the 1st time.)
    People stood glassy eyed slack jaw idle.

    Even basic Red Cross classes are better than nothing. Courses with Stop The Bleed are available. The local firehouse may provide training, or at least direct you to instruction.

    I love books. But hands on instruction is superior.

  4. ★★★★★ Highly recommended.

  5. Who trusts the medical industrial complex after the plandemic?

    1. Sweet Suffering Shiva!

      The Altons have been publishing this guide (now in its 4th edition) for decades before COVID was a thing, specifically geared towards people aiming to survive off the grid, away from Uncle Sugar, and miles from the "medical industrial complex".
      It represents one of the best hip-pocket medical educations available short of becoming a Special Forces 18D, and one of the top five published works available on survival/emergency medicine.

      Only a moron and idiot whose ignorance could not be measured with existing instrumentation would willingly turn his back on it.

      You do you.

  6. It's on my bookshelf, because you never know. I hope it's wasted money. Like homeowner's insurance.
