Sunday, August 27, 2023

I wonder how many of these still exist out there?



  1. I'd love one now. Not for nuclear protection, but from the subhumans.

    1. Aren't you better being able to shoot and scoot, rather than being in an known location.?

  2. They're post Armageddon Maginot bunkers, but since "shooting and scooting" will only delay the inevitable maybe they're the better alternative to experience a transition from exist to don't exist in.

  3. When I lived on Long Island there was a bomb shelter in my neighbors back yard. Not sure it provided much protection, regardless it was preety cool!

  4. "Two styles of bomb shelters are for sale at Bomb Shelter Mart, Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif., shown March 23, 1951. It is typical of such markets which have sprung up in and around Los Angeles. Crowds stop by every day to inspect the shelter, a small circular one (foreground) and a larger one which can be furnished with a stove, radio and other equipment. Both can be used as storage areas. With Federal Housing Authority financing for home owners, they are expected to sell for $795 each. The shelters were built by the U.S. Bomb Shelter Company of Los Angeles."

    Photo taken three months before I was born.
    Sad, isn't it? We spent 70 years surviving the Rooskies, only to be destroyed by Joe Biden and the Democrat party.

    1. Commies one way or the other.

    2. Biden's a dummy, it's 0bama's 3rd term.

    3. 2 styles,? but what about the style us kids in the 60's were supposed to rely on? that being the trusty school desk, bomb proof and tornado proof !

  5. Try 'Blast From The Past' just for fun.

  6. I suspect that most all bomb shelters still exist, just covered over or boarded up. To expensive to remove them, generally.

  7. Neighbor was installing an in-ground swimming pool. Backhoe found a heavy duty shelter. Company engineer inspected the shelter and said "It'll cost twice as much to tear it out." THEN the county inspector (they can smell money) discovered it was built concrete reinforced with asbestos. If shelter was broken up it would have to be under full abatement control. Now neighbor was looking at almost 10 times the original estimate. So they filled in the hole and went to the beach.

  8. classmate had one, she had parties in it.

    1. We used to party in the old abandoned dynamite shack down by the quarry. It was solid rock.

  9. The building behind the Royal Food Center and Heinz soup billboard still exists as of a year ago. The rest of the street scape is from the people in the picture's world of the future, where we live now.
