Monday, August 28, 2023

About Perfect


Once, years ago, I found a similar artifact.  I was working in the Gold Country, and was walking through an old cemetery where a grass fire had burned that year.  Right there at my feet on the bare ground was a perfect triangle of opaque obsidian, tiny like this one, which meant it had been intended for bird hunting.  How long it had been there no one will ever know.  Could have been centuries, until I came along during the short window of time when it could be easily seen.


  1. Back when I worked for "Farmer Dave", we could be doing anything out in a field and he would stop and pick up an arrowhead. Looked like a rock to me.....

  2. Dang, that is nice ! The bird points around here are simpler 'V' shapes with no notch base.

    Thanks for the picture.

  3. My mother in law grew up around Doss Texas and Squaw Creek ran through the land. She has a ton of arrow heads she found as a child.

  4. not trying to start no wars but why are spear points almost always called arrow heads? arrow heads had to be small so a bow could launch them.
