Thursday, August 17, 2023

Could anyone currently under 30 years old name these two?



  1. Doubtful, very doubtful. There may be a few if they were properly raised.

  2. Gene Kelly on left, Bob Hope on the right. You can delay this answer if you want others to make their guesses.

    You are correct - re-runs of old school persons who honed their craft are very rarely run anymore. Can't compete with Fast and Furious 23 and similar. Carol Burnett show was very funny and kids of all ages could listen without nary a blush.

  3. my stepson hollered from upstairs " Hey that guy that shot Lincoln....that John Wilkes Phone Booth guy"...he got all his info from watching " Family Guy "

  4. One of our young time-slippers didn't know who John Wayne was.

  5. I am way over 30 so I ani't sayin' nuttin'.

  6. Back when Hollywood was not so political but certainly patriotic...

    1. Not exactly. They were fine with actors and crew to make war movies, but any talent that decided to actually join up and serve essentially got blacklisted by the studios. If they survived the war, they almost never got back to the level of employment they previously enjoyed. IIRC, Jimmy Stewart might have been the only one to avoid that. He was already part-time military, and got called up for service. I think he was a Group commander in the AAF in England, flying the B-24 over Europe. He retired as a General in the AF reserve in the early 70's. Flew at least one mission over North Vietnam in the B-52.

      Douglass Fairbanks, Jr was an officer in the Navy reserve, and the biggest actor when he got called for duty. He ended the war as the most decorated Hollywood actor. Since he was an actor, some of his medals got de-rated, as the military types didn't like hollywood types. His service was so unique, and outstanding, that he has military wiki pages dedicated to what was done. He was ignored by the big Hollywood moguls since he didn't shirk his responsibilities and use his movie connections to get preferential treatment to stay in Hollywood. He went from the highest paid actor to working in B-movies, essentially.
      So, yeah, Hollywood was not pro-US as they tried to claim. They were still collecting money from Germany for films, even after the war started.

    2. Hogwash.
      The list of contrary examples is legion.

      David Niven.
      Peter Ustinov.
      Anthony Quayle.
      Donald Pleasance.
      Ralph Richardson.
      Laurence Olivier.
      Robert Montgomery.
      Director John Ford.
      Clark Gable.
      Tyrone Power.
      Don Rickles.
      Lee Marvin.
      Ernest Borgnine.
      Eddie Albert.
      Ronald Reagan. (Maybe you've heard of him.)
      Gene Kelly.

      There wasn't any bias against the military by Hollywood until the 1960s, from the anti-war Left.
      Ernest Borgnine.
      Robert Ryan.
      James Whitmore.

    3. A lot of those names are British, not American. The rot was in Hollyweird from the beginning.

  7. Had my kids watch the big dance number in 'Singing in the Rain". They were impressed.

  8. Even an 81 year old dummy like me knows it's Abbott and Costello doing their "Who's on first" routine

  9. Bob Hope was an original. Almost 80 years in the entertainment industry.

    1. Guess what? Bob was not an original. He couldn't say anything unless it was already written for him and memorized. Johnny Carson couldn't stand him but he had to continue hosting Bob because of his NBC employment.

    2. Everyone's a critic.

    3. Who the fuck cares what johnny carson thought of the actual men of his generation? I don't remember ever seeing that twat fly into every god-fosaken shithole island in the south pacific to entertain our boys. Nor, for that matter did Ed Mcmahon ever mention seeing johnny on a landing craft headed in to the beach.... Ed did. As did Lee Marvin, Then there was Audie, Jimmy Stewart flying bomber missions. I'd advise you to pick celebrity nuts to hug in a more discerning matter "anonymous".

    4. Bob Hope wasn't an original performer. He flew to war zones, okay, but his professional career as an entertainer was entirely scripted. He was a tedious bore and Carson viewed him as one of his worst guests. Carson didn't plant the flag on Iwo Jima, all he did was interview celebrities, and he knew a phony when he saw one. When I was kid I thought Bob Hope sucked... I still do. Viet Nam sucked, too.

  10. Gene Kelly, yes. Thought for a moment Hope was Gil Hodges. BTW, Hope owned the Indians for a while.

  11. I once asked a young man I was working with if he knew who Audie Murphy was? He replied "Eddie Murphy's brother?" I felt like strangling him.

    1. That's funny. I once dated a girl who, when I mentioned Paul Mccartney, literally said "That guy in the band Wings?"...

    2. lol no, wasn't he in some otherband before "Wings"?

  12. My grands could!! They've seen the "The Road to>>>" movies with Bob and "On the Town" with Gene!

  13. kelly&hope.I'm 70.

  14. Favorite line from any movie by Bob Hope...."Zombies have no will of their see them sometimes, walking around blindly, with dead eyes, following orders, not knowing what they do, not caring, with no will of their own"..."You mean like democrats?"
