Monday, July 24, 2023

Wayland the Smith



  1. Nice leather apron, but no glasses. Guess he'd rather be able to sleep on his stomach than see.

  2. That was my first thought. Bare arms, don't see gloves.

    1. Of course, those are likely teeny tiny little flecks that don't carry a lot of actual heat energy. But they will do a number on your eyes.

      Nice pic, though, regardless.

  3. Perhaps he removed his eye protection for the photo but normally wears them.

    1. To let his manly manliness shine forth? Possibly.

    2. It took one time, just once, of me not wearing usually worn safety glasses to send me to the ER. Then two specialists. Then 2 weeks at home recuperating.

      The metal may be insignificant, the rust from the ferrous metal is very alarming. Each of three eye doctors said I would develop cataracts or great impair my vision within a month if left untreated.

      This all because just once I didn't wear glasses. Lucky me. Gambling with your eyes is a fool's gambit.

    3. Nope. He just doesn’t know any better. That’s reality.

  4. Smiths have been forge welding for thousands of years without safety glasses. Obviously you people have never tried it. It's not as bad on you as you think. It's the flux and impurities mostly that you see.

    1. I'd imagine the guy is a professional, does this a lot and knows how he needs to be dressed.

    2. Now tell us what % suffered impaired vision, or wished they had some means of eye protection other than flinching.

      Wait, there's more. How many suffered hearing loss.

    3. I've seen guys stick welding in 3rd world countries, holding their free hand up to shield their eyes. I've seen other guys wearing a plastic bucket on their head, imitating a hard hat. For thousands of years, people had had a life expectancy of about 25 years too. Me: Safety gear. You do you.

  5. They always close eyes before the hammer strike... they teach you that as a beginning apprentice...

    1. It's our American safety cult showing, here, largely driven by lawyers and insurance companies. I remember when one of our Boeing groups toured a factory in Sweden, and a manager commented how lax their safety standards were. The Swede tour guide shrugged and said, "Well, OUR workers know when and how to use safety gear."

      We, on the other hand, have this idiot "zero tolerance" policy.

    2. It's about control, like so many other things in our country.

    3. stone cutting also.

      Mike Angelo did it.

  6. I treasure my DeWalt safety goggles!

  7. You're not a pussy to wear eye protection when it is indicated.

  8. Everything in his shop gets a nice coating of metal particles, some of which may become embedded.
