Monday, July 24, 2023

Definitely. Dunk Your Head In It.



  1. Climate change!!!! Give us money!!! We can fix it!!!!

  2. My Liberal, MSNBC loving, frightened 78 year old sister said 2023 is the hottest summer in the last50,000 years and when I asked her to produce the 58,000 year old evidence all she could say was: "Trust the science".. Sound like the old Covid mantra?

  3. I'm at mom's. She watches weather on TV a lot. Weather Undeground and TWC.
    Last night I watched too.

    The entire country is shown in various hues of flaming red. Even the rain fall graphic is red.
    The oceans and Gulf are shown in a lighter red, the land a darker red. You'd think we're on Mars.

    The kicker was an otherwise scenic still photograph of a brilliant sunset (flaming red) with the Golden Gate bridge (red) in the foreground. The water in the photo was a uniform red.
    (The actual bridge is orange, never mistaken for red. Except on TV.)

    Mom understands its a bunch of horseshit. Still, the visuals instill a response at some level.

  4. This year is running cooler then last summer and last summer was cooler then the year before. We used to run 90s+ in July with "in the sun" running as high as 150 but daily 125. Last year it was running in the upper 80s and 110 in the sun, This year we are running lower to mid 80s and 100 in the sun. It also drops off earlier in the evening then in past years.

    1. Oh yeah, also on the TV were new 'record high' temps this summer.
      Record high because the old temps were due to faulty data. Even 1990s or early 2000s were faulty data.

      Record highs from this summer are cooler but still record highs because new data. History rewritten before our eyes.

      But ... those previous temps gotten from 'faulty data' are just fine to prove global warming.

    2. They're also using ground temperatures instead of air temp to get the 'hottest EVAH' bull puckey.
