Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Radioisotope Production, Reactor BR2 (Belgian Reactor 2), The Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK•CEN), Mol, Belgium



  1. Nuclear Power School taught me zero comfort level with a water-shielded exposed reactor like this but it's been running as long as I have so it clearly demonstrates proper design (unlike Fukushima) and responsible operation (unlike Chernobyl) are significant factors in nuclear safety.

  2. If you remember your chemistry, you could say precisely the population of Mol.

  3. Do you mean 6.023 x10^23? We're talking nuclear physics, not atomic chemics dude.

  4. Running, or shut down?

    This is important, as I want to get the lighting color right for the simulated reactor in the Evil Scientist Lair. ;)

    It's the same reason I use Google Earth measurements to get the dimensions of a Minuteman Silo concrete hatch cover exact, for making the "raised patio" in the back forty.
