Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Pirate Flagship



  1. A three-decker with the english ensign floatin above? The english empire may be piratical in nature, but then what nation wouldn't, when it can get away with it?


  2. Yeah... not even close on the picture caption. That is a main battle wagon of a rich nation, not some pirate scow.....

    1. Damn right, and any pirate ship could rightly be called a scow, filled to the brim with garbage! I hate pirates!

      The real navy had no respect for them. The man who took down Blackbeard was commanding a couple of sloops. If that Frigate would have been under a real crew and commander the young lieutenant and his sloops would have turned tail and run.

      However, seeing the mangy flag of a cowardly pirate flying over that frigate not only gave the men courage to run straight into her, but gave them the heart to prevail against superior odds! Utter lack of respect for the scumbag pirate and his sorry crew.

  3. Like he said... pirate flagship

  4. It looks a lot like Lord Nelson's Victory...

  5. That ship looks as if it could be a First Rate Ship of the Line, possibly Second Rate. It appears that about 36 gun ports appear on the port side, so add the same for the starboard side. Add Deck, bow, and stern chasers and it could easily reach 90 guns. The HMS Victory, with 100 guns, had a crew of over 800.

    A ship like this would be considered the pride of the navy of a nation state in the Napoleonic Era, as this ship appears to be.

    1. ratings were at times changed to accommodate the commander's rank, per the O'Brien novels.

  6. Pirates hardly had anything to even beat a Frigate yet alone a Man o War

  7. High tech weaponry for it's time. I would love to see it under sail.

  8. Nice imagery but like a Kincaide mass-market piece full of mystical light and short on verisimiltude

    1. Yeah. Definitely a first-rate ship: the HMS Imaginary.

  9. That's a lot of rain for a perfectly calm sea.

  10. It's like a cruise ship.....with guns. 200 years ago an American could own and operate that ship fully armed and loaded with powder and ball without having to buy a license from the Government. Imagine that.......

    1. And get a hunting permit to fight other countries or hunt pirates from the government.
