Sunday, July 16, 2023

Hemingway building his reputation



  1. Communist supporter.

  2. More male than most folks hiding behind anonymous.

    Not sure he was a communist supporter though. Care to share a link?

    1. I wonder if anonymous is referring to his time as a reporter during the Spanish civil war?

    2. Did you ever read about him is Spain and being a reporter?

      He was on the side of the Loyalists, the Communists. He wrote of shooting at Franco's soldiers, glowing reports about the communists, and how the US should have got involved on the Communists side.

      Oh, and those Spanish Communists? They made Stalin look like a school kid.

      Maybe you should read up on him and not take the media image of him.

    3. The Spanish Civil War, where the commies and the fascists fought each other, while all the worlds' militaries were there taking notes.

      There were no saints on either side and history tends to be written after the fact after the smoke clears and truth on the ground gets blurred.

      A charming bit of history, coming soon to a nation near you.

  3. New copies of book now come with trigger warnings. 1st ANGLICO

  4. It has been reported that Soviet archives list Hemmingway as an NKVD recruit, which would have made him a communist supporter.

  5. Anon, I suggest that both the British Guardian and the "Soviet Archives" are interesting but not very convincing due to Hemmingway's life and writings.

    But then again even that far back the British were the USA's lap puppies and would post whatever they were told. Something about their failed economies after they LOST World Reserve Currency and how the Americans became their Big Brothers, protecting them under our economic and military might.

    If you're interested in what happens in the social and civilian life of a empire that loses its world reserve currency you might google England's Winter of our discontent and search around. Try massive strikes as government couldn't pay the nurses and garbage men and so forth. Pretty grim.

    Today the once mighty English Navy that rules the waves is down to two active Frigates so often deployed that they are ragged and their flagship the "Queen Elizebeth" an aircraft carrier WITHOUT Aircraft (as they cannot afford them) that HAS a US Marine Air Wing assigned as it's fighters' group.

    Likely to become daily life in our own country as debasing the currency and the knock-on effects of a major military being deemed weak after fleeing Afghanistan and soon enough some sort of "Mission Accomplished" nonsense in Ukraine.

    History shows the death of many an empire was from debasing the money and unneeded wars that failed.

  6. Read "Hemingway's Boat" and "Garden of Eden". Having covid for 23 days in March '20 I read read as much *about* Hemingway as I could.

    Ernie had, well, another side.

    Too, and I mention for no reason other than the family connection, I hunted for several years around Jordan, MT, where his son the doctor worked in the local emergency room.

  7. He drove an ambulance. He wrote articles, stories and books. He hooked things and shot things including himself. Life went on.
