Saturday, June 10, 2023

What a nice boat



  1. That an Toranado or a Riviera?......

  2. Front wheel drive decades ahead of its time.

  3. Toronado. Riviera was smaller.

  4. My Uncle had one. I loved riding in it as a kid.

  5. Wow, that is about an acre and a half of hood there. A short driver would have a hard time seeing the pavement. Mom had a 77 Ford Thunderbird with same issue.

  6. That is a 1968 or '69 Buick Riviera. One of the three best looking cars ever produced in America, the other two being the 1966 Olds Toronado and any year of the Studebaker Avanti.

  7. The chrome ID badge behind the front wheel well has the correct number of letters for Riviera, but not for Toronado.

  8. it is my opinion that every major American company produced car in 1932, 1957, and 1969 was a classic design. this reinforces that belief

  9. 68 riviera. Rear wheel drive. I find the 64 rivis with the clam shell headlights and the boat tail rivs to be the best looking ones.

    Go over to lateral g and search riviera. You will find a stock appearing 64 riviera with the power of a late model corvette. Nothing on that site is cobbled together, and are all high end builds.

  10. Remember hearing these sold poorly and were considered ugly. Anyone else confirm?

    Maybe for the time they were ugly? Personally I find them gorgeous

  11. Around 67 to 69, while not exactly ugly, they weren't as good looking as their predecessors or as good looking as the boat tail era.

    After 73, they were plain gawd awful ugly.
