Thursday, June 22, 2023

US Navy: Implosion of Titan submersible happened "days ago"

 A top secret U.S. Navy acoustic detection system designed to spot enemy submarines first heard the Titan sub implosion hours after the submersible began its mission, officials involved in the search said.

The Navy began listening for the Titan almost as soon as the sub lost communications, according to a U.S. defense official. Shortly after its disappearance, the U.S. system detected what it suspected was the sound of an implosion near the debris site discovered Thursday and reported its findings to the commander on site, U.S. defense officials said.


  1. So all the wasted time, resources, and money was because.....??????

    1. National security. I’ve worked with NRL, ONR, and ONI in the distant past and those guys are very tight lipped about their capabilities. I would have been surprised to hear that they hadn’t captured the signal. They probably collected it on more than one system, allowing them to triangulate the location.

    2. Definitly sounds (no pun intended) like more 3 letter proganda.

    3. jwm
      June 22, 2023, 6:08 PM
      From Posobeic on twatter:

      BREAKING: US Navy detected Titan implosion on SUNDAY, but Biden admin only released news on Thursday AFTER Hunter plea deal and whistleblower reports released


    4. @ Anon 9:43 PM They may be tight lipped, however this listening capability has been known about since made public in the book "Hunt for Red October" by Tom Clancy published in 1984, sourced from publicly available military info at the time.

      The system itself has been in place and continuously monitored and upgraded since the 50's. It is used to monitor Russian subs running the Greenland/Iceland and Iceland/UK gaps.

      I'm surprised that people are surprised by the "revelation" of the listening capability, since Clancy revealed it 40 years ago.


    5. I call bull sheeyite on that. The "top secret" underwater listening system has been around since the cold war. Anybody see The Hunt for Red October? Ever hear of SOSUS ? Anyone? Bueller?

      The delay was to keep the sub story in the FRONT PAGE with SCREAMING HEADLINES ALL. THE. TIME. To distract from the biden bribery whistleblower testimony.

      Worked on me. I was so wrapped up in caring about some idiots who went two miles under the ocean in a submarine made from parts gathered at the local Home Depot that I forgot:
      - the president stole the election
      - his son is a crack smoking degenerate scam artist
      - we got locked indoors for two years over the sniffles
      - banking shenanigans have robbed my entire generation of the ability to own real estate
      - my people are being rapidly demographically replaced by 3rd world idiots
      These guys really know how to craft a distraction, all that is completely forgotten.

    6. Airplanes have been around for quite some time too, but they get the occasional upgrade that we try to keep quiet (at least until Salwell gives them to his squeeze, or DiFi's driver catches wind...).

      This happened how many hundreds (thousands?) of miles away from any installation, how many thousand feet down, and yet they still heard and identified it?

      Yeah, I can see them wanting to keep that ability kinda secret.

    7. 1) Sources and methods.
      Just because everyone knows about the SOSUS line (and it wasn't revealed by Tom Clancy, he only mainstreamed it. It was public knowledge to exist back to the 1960s, but without any open disclosure of the system's actual extent or accuracy) doesn't mean you let Russia or anyone else know we can identify a mouse farting in the flour bin of a submarine from 300 miles away, and tell you if it's a male or female mouse.
      In fact, the capabilities were so secret that when the Navy detected two Soviet submarines wandering close to the US in 1978, SAC, the ASntlantic Fleet, and the Pentagon were all notified in a roundabout way that moving their East Coast bomber fleet might be a good idea, without giving them any inkling that SOSUS knew the class, course, and exact location in real time, of the two submarines the entire time.
      It was that secret.

      2) Earwitness evidence is bupkis.
      The Navy heard a sound "like an implosion" at the Titanic site.
      But until someone checks it out, it's just a sound.
      You hear a loud bang at night?
      Sounded like a car crash.
      Down the road.
      But was it?
      Did the neighbor just run into one of the junked refrigerators on his weedpatch?
      Was it ten trash pandas gang-raping Farmer Brown's garbage cans one lot over?
      Until you head over with a flashlight, you have no effing idea.

      The Navy didn't waste any time. They reported the findings to the Coastie CO at the scene. We have no idea how big the CEP is for their sound gear at that range for an event that small and transient, and it's a big ocean when you're doing sonar sweeps of the bottom, looking for debris of a sub smaller than a large motorhome 12,000' below.
      Titanic is hundreds of times bigger than the Titan, and it took us nearly 80 years to stumble onto that target.

      3) Give up the black helicopter news fantasies. The discovery happened when it happened, because it took that long, even knowing the rough area, to find the wreckage. It's never money "wasted" looking for survivors, until you know they're not.

      It's a universal Law Of The Sea that everyone assists any vessel in distress. Since they first wrote that down.

      "Customary international law has long recognized the affirmative obligation of mariners to render assistance to persons in distress at sea to the extent they can do so without serious danger to their ship, crew, or passengers."
      That rule applies even in wartime, to beligerents.

      We looked for survivors in this and every other case, because it's morally correct, and legally required.

      At least they went out quickly.

    8. Keep the media heat off Jopedo and his drug addict kid.

    9. "or DiFi's driver catches wind..."

      -hard to miss; Didi broke a lot if it.

  2. I subscribe to the theory that Biden’s Admin wanted a diversion from today’s hearings in DC today. The naval undersea sound detection system is no secret.

    1. Bingo! Give them bread and circuses to divert them from the real stories…

    2. Either that or they didn’t want us to know the latest spy gadget we’re going to sell to China.

  3. "the U.S. system detected what it suspected was the sound of an implosion" - the Navy said it wasn't definitive proof.

  4. Look over here. See the squirrel

  5. This is unsurprising news to those familiar with the submarine service, and a bit of news that a former sonarman on my sub and I talked about the day after the news of the sub being missing first came out.

  6. There was no point in releasing the information until after enough time passed that all concerned were sure the submersible's air supply had ran out.
    Wouldn't want to call off the search while there was a possiblity the people were still alive.

  7. The gov't wasn't honest, upfront and timely with us?

    Behold my shocked face, mega-eye roll and sarcastic tone.

    - WDS

  8. good friend was navy crypto. submarine and 7 floors under the WH. had great amazing stories. some stories he couldnt tell. had friends on the Liberty. nsa has stellarwind. 5Eyes etc. nsa has your dreams. oh, btw the billionaire from india was pushing for new currency for india's business deals. ordo ab chao.

    1. These guys "w/TS/Crypto; 7 floors, etc". STFU, or BS.
